MANN+HUMMEL: Sustainability report 2023
13 %
Reduction of energy intensity*
8 %
Reduction of waste intensity**
12 %
Reduction in downtime after accidents***
*GWh per million € production output; GRI 302-3 | **Tons per million € production output; GRI 306-1 | ***LTIR; lost working days per million hours worked; GRI 403-9
Statement of the Board of Management on sustainability

As management, we consider it our special duty to consider the ecological, social and economic consequences of our actions. At a time when the challenges of climate change, social inequalities and rapid technological change present us with new tasks every day, our commitment to sustainability remains firmly integrated into our business strategy.
The year 2023 marks another significant step in our development towards sustainable and future-oriented corporate management. In the area of human rights, the year was marked by the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act, which is relevant for the MANN+HUMMEL Group. The creation of transparency regarding working conditions in our supply chain and in our own company is part of this legal requirement. To this end, we have established a corresponding risk management system, appointed a human rights officer, added a human rights statement to our Code of Conduct/Social Charta and introduced operational processes. Respect for human rights and fair working conditions has always been part of our business ethics, including an open speak up culture.
This Sustainability Report, prepared in accordance with the recognized guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI Standard 2021), provides you with a comprehensive overview of our efforts and achievements in 2023. It highlights not only the progress we have made together with our employees, partners and stakeholders, but also the challenges we have encountered along the way.
Our sustainability strategy is based on three central pillars: protecting our planet, promoting social prosperity and strengthening responsible governance structures. These pillars are anchored in all areas of our company and guide us in every decision we make.
As a technology company, we can continue to provide optimized solutions to separate useful from harmful influences in addition to these three pillars of sustainability.
Last year, we made further progress in reducing our CO2 emissions, further developed our circular economy models and expanded our initiatives to promote occupational safety. As a result, we were able to determine the lowest incidence and severity rate for occupational accidents since records began 10 years ago.
These positive developments are overshadowed by a death during working hours. Our condolences go out to the family of our colleague.
We recognize that there is still much to be done. Sustainability is a continuous process that requires constant learning and adaptation. We are therefore committed to intensifying our efforts, embracing new technologies and innovations, and working with our stakeholders to develop sustainable solutions that create long-term value and support our customers on their journey towards greater sustainability.
In conclusion, we would like to express our sincere thanks to everyone who has contributed to this progress. Our success is the result of hard work, collaboration and a shared belief in a sustainable future.
We look forward to continuing on this path and shaping a world together in which economic success and sustainable development go hand in hand.
Our guiding principle for sustainability remains:
Perform to Transform!
Sustainability report for download
For the seventh time, MANN+HUMMEL presents a complete overview of its corporate responsibility in the form of a Corporate Responsibility Report. This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option. We highlight the focus of our corporate social responsibility using the four areas of 'Our value added', 'Our environment', Our employees', and 'Our governance'.
Sustainability Strategy - our understanding

- As leader in Filtration, we enable our customers to be more sustainable.
- As a company, we are active contributor and we take responsibility for our business, our employees, our value chain and our planet.
- We have the intention to promote company actions in harmony to our business interest as well as regulations.
In addition to behavioral changes in the use of resources and a fundamental rethinking of product design, production, operation, and recycling, we at MANN+HUMMEL are using technology to make our world more sustainable and cleaner.
As a world-leading filtration company, we focus on filtration with the aim of separating the useful from the harmful. We develop solutions that enable cleaner mobility, air and water and deliver key technologies that pave the way to a cleaner planet.