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Marine filters for transport and cruise ships

Filtration is a key technology to operate transport ships and cruise ships safely and efficiently.


In recent decades, shipping traffic on the world's oceans has been increasing significantly. This is on the one hand due to increasing volumes of goods and merchandise transported and on the other hand to the rising popularity enjoyed by the cruise industry. Filtration is a key technology to operate transport ships and cruise ships safely and efficiently. MANN+HUMMEL´s filtration portfolio for marine applications ranges from all kinds of filtration solutions necessary for a safe a longlife operation of the ship´s motors and turbines, for the provision of clean and safe indoor air, as well as efficient water availability and sustainable wastewater management.

Clean Indoor Air on Cruise Ships

Nowadays, taking week-long cruises on luxurious mega ships has become a trend among many people. These holidaymakers as well as the crew are exposed to harmful pollutants in the air while relaxing in their private cabin, while enjoying their dinner in the ship´s public restaurants and or during workout in the ship´s  fitness facilities. The air pollutants can be manifold: the exhaust from the engine, nitrogen oxide, ozone and many more. Air filtration solutions from MANN+HUMMEL make sure travelers and crew can breathe properly filtered air within the ship´s indoor spaces.

Contamination Control on Cruise Ships

Especially at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, virus outbreaks on cruise ships were often broadcasted on the daily news. As a result, some cruise ships were no longer allowed to dock in the harbor and let the passengers off the ship.
Special HEPA filtration solutions, may they be built in the ship´s existing infrastructure of Heating Ventilation and Cooling Sytstems (HVAC) or into mobile air purification systems, can help people stay safe and prevent viruses from spreading. MANN+HUMMEL offers both solution approaches.

Filtration Solutions for Ship Engines and Turbines

Besides air filters for the cabin or the intake air, our portfolio for marine applications consists of high-quality filters for fuels and lubricants that meet the high requirements of the certification companies. MANN+HUMMEL solutions offer reliable protection even under the most demanding conditions, enable maximum performance and minimize wear.

Wastewater Treatment on Cruise Ships

With thousands of passengers on board, cruise ships  have a significant demand for fresh water and are also a major emittent of wastewater. This is why most cruise ships are equipped with on board wastewater treatment systems. With
BIO-CEL, MANN+HUMMEL offers an efficient MBR wastewater treatment solution so the water is not released untreated and can also be made up for re-use.